Temax test laboratory for temperature tests – product qualification and validation

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Test laboratory with climate chambers for customer temperature tests

We often get the request from customers to perform temperature tests with their specific products in a certain temperature environment during a certain time with a certain thermal packaging. The goal of this test is to see if the product temperature can be maintained or if product quality risks are appearing meaning that the insulated thermal packaging or the profile needs optimization. These kinds of tests can be performed in our temperature test laboratory with specialized climate chambers. This service is offered next to our specialized CCRM "Cold Chain Risk Management" engineering where we pre-engineer total cold chain temperature flows with Temax thermal packaging systems. Would you like to perform a temperature test at our location? Please send us an email.

Customer test simulations

Our test laboratory is equipped with specialized climate chambers where we can create summer (hot +50°C) and winter (cold -20°C) profiles to simulate your practical cold chain line as if you would transport your products in the praxis. Single or multiple temperature excursions and profiles can be simulated.

Small boxes to pallet simulations
The climate chambers are designed to test small box configurations to even complete pallets (max base 120 x 120 cm). When smaller boxes are tested, multiple configurations can be tested in the same profile.

Real or surrogate products
When a temperature test is performed it is advisable to create a load that is most similar to the actual practical situation. In order to create this most practical situation it would be advisable or ideal to perform the test with real customer products, yet surrogate products can also be implemented. When surrogate products are used, the heat capacity + density and other specifications need to be taken into consideration to create similar thermal product values. Other values will have an impact on the temperature results.

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Test load norm EN-12546-2

When temperature tests are performed on thermal blankets or thermal covers, Krautz-Temax will create the test load according to the standard norm EN-12546-2 which is especially developed for testing on thermal blankets and covers where these blankets and covers are used as a passive cooling system. Yet, if wanted, we can perform test-loads according to specific customer load configurations.

Thermal packaging configuration + thermal energy generators

When a temperature test is performed, we first study the set-up and configuration of the insulated thermal packaging system that will be responsible for the temperature preservation during the tests. We investigate the required insulation quality, possible thermal bridges, adding of thermal energy generators (gelpacks - PCM's Phase Change Materials, etc...). All the required information will be noted in the final test rapport.

Temperature testing with validated temperature data-loggers

When temperature tests are performed, Krautz-Temax uses validated temperature logging equipment with yearly re-calibration. In the temperature tests we use a standard logging per two minutes, yet other time-frames can be used. We can perform tests with maximal temperature +50°C and minimal -20°C. The used dataloggers are equipped with an internal measurement sensor, yet for very sensible test profiles as air movement for example we can equip the datalogger with external sensors which are more sensitive in the registration and detection of rapid temperature changes.

T.M.P.L's and T.M.P's temperature measurement

When temperature tests are performed by Krautz-Temax, the T.M.P.L's "Temperature Measure Point Positions" and the T.M.P's "Temperature Measurement Positions" are determined according to the worst case scenario's. Next to these worst case scenario's we can also implement special locations and positions according to special wishes of the customers. All locations and positions will be advised in co-operation with the customer. After approval the test can be created.

Laboratoire de test de température Krautz Temax couvertures d'emballage thermique boîtes palettes

Krautz Temax laboratoire de température emballage isotherme isolée thermique

Krautz Temax temperatur Labor Isolierverpackungen Thermoschutzhauben Isolierte Verpackung

Krautz Temax temperatuur test laboratorium isolatieverpakkingen geïsoleerde verpakkingen

Test rapport with test set-up, temperature flow graphics and results

Each individual temperature test will be written into a complete rapport where all the steps of the procedure and the configurations are noted. All rapports will be foreseen with pictures and drawings to offer a good visibility in the test set-up. All temperature results are noted in tables and graphics. The rapport will be send in a PDF file.

S.O.P's "Standard Operation Procedures" optimization

All tests are performed according to certain S.O.P's "Standard Operation Procedures" which have been in use at the customer or which are developed during the test set-up by our specialized teams. When the test is performed, these S.O.P's are noted in the rapport together with remarks and advise so the existing S.O.P's at the customer can be optimized in order to avoid any possible temperature excursions or product quality risks.