COOLSHOPPER insulated shopping bag for folding crates and boxes

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Krautz Temax coolshopper shopping bag - isolierte Einkaufstasche - geïsoleerde inkooptas - sac isotherme

Insulated crates and boxes
Insulated crates
Insulated crates with cooling

Insulated cooler bags
Cooler bag Food
Cooler bag Pharma
Cooler bag shopping cart

Ice packs - gel packs
Gelpacks - Icepacks

Coolshopper shopping bag shopping bags for folding crates - shopping crates
The Coolshopper is a thermal cover or insulated thermal packaging system that is especially designed to fit in the well known shopping folding-crates which are used by the consumer to carry the shopping products from the supermarket to their homes. As we all know, the quality of perishable food products (fresh and frozen) is very delicate in which temperature deviations or excursions can cause quality damages causing diseases. This needs to be avoided and explains why supermarkets and food retailers are investing a lot of money and efforts to create a closed cold chain where the temperature is stabilized according to the requirements and regulations. Yet one last part of the cold chain often remains open where the temperature can deviate and this is transport from the supermarket to the consumer. That is why we developed the Coolshopper.

Advantage of the coolshopper thermal cover. Supermarket - consumer cold chain
The big advantage of the Coolshopper or insulated thermal cover is that the thermal cover is multiple use and the consumer will keep the Coolshopper in its close proximity. When we go shopping and when we buy condition products (fresh or frozen) we usually do not have an insulated bag at our disposal so we need to buy an insulated shopping bag in the supermarket store. The next time when we go shopping we probably have forgotten the insulated bag at home and need to buy a new one when we buy conditioned products. The question is if we actually buy this bag again. Mostly not seeing we already have this bag, meaning that we transport the conditioned goods unprotected with all risks to quality damages. This is minimized to even avoided with the Coolshopper. The Coolshopper is not a separated insulated bag but is part of the folding crate, and this crate is hardly forgotten at home seeing we need this to carry the products. So when we do not forget the crate, we will also not forget the Coolshopper. Result, due to the Coolshopper we always have a thermal protection for the conditioned products and minimize quality damages and risks for diseases.

Krautz Temax Coolshopper insulated crate shopping bag supermarket

Krautz Temax Isolierte Einkaufstasche Klapbox Faltbox

Krautz Temax caise isotherme isolée thermique

Krautz Temax geïsoleerde inkooptas voor kratten en bakken

Krautz Temax coolshopper

Krautz Temax Coolshopper

High insulation quality for fresh - chilled - frozen products
As mentioned before, we offer a tailor made production of the insulated thermal covers for foldable folding crates which also means that we can offer different insulation qualities depending on the type of products such as fresh products, chilled products, frozen products or ambient products. When extra cold or heat temperatures are required, extra thermal energy generators such as gel packs, Dry-Ice or PCM’s (Phase Change Materials) can be added to stabilize the temperature of the conditioned product for a longer time.

Krautz Temax mini-coolshopper isolierte Einkaufstasche Klappbox Faltbox

Mini Coolshopper for consumer usage with two product-types in one shopping crate
The mini "cool-shopper" has the same use as the "cool-shopper" only is it made smaller so it will divide the folding shopping box in half so the consumer can place temperature controlled food products such as chilled fresh or frozen together with ambient products in one single folding crate.

Insulation qualities

Temax-4000 Temax-2000 Temax-1000 Temax-500 insulation quality